STFC Photowalk 2012 on-line winning image.

Control Station at Chilbolton Observatory.
Thank you, if you voted, to make one of my Science and Technology Facilities Council Photowalk images the on-line winner in this fantastic UK competition.
The Science, Technology and Facilities Council held this year's photowalk in September. I selected Chilbolton Observatory, one of the world leaders in Atmospheric and Radio Research (CFARR)
CFARR is one of the world's most advanced meteorological radar experimental facilities, and is home to the world's largest fully steerable meteorological radar, the Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa).
You can find out more by going to their site:
2 of the images I took got into the top 10, and then one of them got the highest number of on-line votes! I am very honoured. Thank you to all who voted.
The image that won the on-line vote was of a control station, a terrapin type building, raised up on stilts. With all its aerials, it took on a Dr Who persona. Other images were awarded with Regional and Overall prizes.
I think I preferred the 2nd image which was a side on view of their huge (25meter) fully steerable dish. It is hard to convey the enormity it, and spent most of my time trying to convey just that.
CFARR is one of the world's most advanced meteorological radar experimental facilities, and is home to the world's largest fully steerable meteorological radar, the Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa).
You can find out more by going to their site:
2 of the images I took got into the top 10, and then one of them got the highest number of on-line votes! I am very honoured. Thank you to all who voted.
The image that won the on-line vote was of a control station, a terrapin type building, raised up on stilts. With all its aerials, it took on a Dr Who persona. Other images were awarded with Regional and Overall prizes.
I think I preferred the 2nd image which was a side on view of their huge (25meter) fully steerable dish. It is hard to convey the enormity it, and spent most of my time trying to convey just that.